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2024 Latino Board Monitor

 Tracking Fortune 1000 Board Representation

An annual Latino Board Monitor shows the lack of Latino representation on US corporate boards. The data captures the representation gap and the improvements that showcase LCDA's work to influence board placements.

Over the past four years, Latino representation has increased by only 1.85%, from 3.2% to 5.05%. Despite these gains, Latinos remain the most underrepresented demographic in corporate boardrooms—a concerning gap, given their rapidly growing influence in the US economy, with a GDP of $3.2 trillion

Key Findings from the 2024 Latino Board Monitor:
• Fortune 1000 Representation: 40% of Fortune 1000 companies now include at least one Latino on their board.
• Fortune 100 Representation: 53% of Fortune 100 companies have Latino representation on their boards, a figure that has stagnated since last year.
• Persistent Gaps: Latinas continue to be the most severely underrepresented group within Fortune 1000 boards, facing significant barriers to inclusion.

The recent progress and momentum is supported by a comprehensive demand and talent services effort led by LCDA and the Latino Voices for Boardroom Equity (LVBE) initiative, an effort to collectively amplify the voice of Latinos and elevate Latinos into the boardroom. Thanks to these partnerships and the contributions of many partners we continue to successfully influence the inclusion of Hispanic/Latinos in board candidate pipelines. 

This report draws its data from the Latino Board Tracker, a tool developed by LCDA to annually assess, identify, and measure Latino/a directorship representation within companies listed in the Fortune 1000. The report's data is current as of August 15, 2024, serving as a critical reference point for stakeholders committed to fostering diversity and inclusivity within corporate leadership.

2023 Findings


2022 Findings


2021 Findings